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Dogs having a balanced and nutritionally complete diet, won’t feel hungry in between their meals. When they do feel like snacking sometimes, there’s no harm in giving them fruits and vegetables. Moreover, these veggies and fruits are safe for your furry friend and way healthier than their prepacked food.
Separation anxiety can manifest in different ways for each dog. There are some breeds that seem to be more prone to it, according to recent studies. Some breeds are more likely to develop stubborn temperaments or ailments like hip dyspepsia. Some breeds seem to be prone to developing worse separation anxiety than others.
When we think of dogs, we tend to imagine a happy, goofy companion that loves to play and, loves to be sat right by our side. A running joke in the dog-parent community is the fact that our pooches absolutely lack personal space. Usually, it is impossible to even go to the bathroom in peace.
After a hard day’s work, you may sometimes look at your pooch and wish you had it easy as they did. After all, they get three (free) square meals a day, a comfy bed, ZERO bills and plenty of belly scratches. Ahhh, that’s the life, right? But you might be missing some critical signs of stress in a dog.
Does your dog has started acting out or is visibly stressed out when you leave him alone? You are more than likely dealing with one of the most common issues when it comes to having a dog separation anxiety! It is a problematic type of behavior that is accompanied by symptoms such as whining, pooping, excessive barking, or other destructive behavior.
They say that the hardest thing about having a dog is saying goodbye to them far too soon. Most pet owners dote on their pooches as if they were children. But they are always aware that, a dog will live around 12 years if they are in good health.
Depression and anxiety disorders are common illnesses that usually come about as a result of some kind of trauma. Just as humans suffer from depression, dogs do too! With all the horror stories of puppy mills and animal cruelty that flood our news feeds on social media every day, more people are opting to rescue a dog that has been abandoned or mistreated in some way.
If you have ever suffered from an anxiety attack, you will understand exactly how horrific it can be. While you struggle to breathe or focus, you usually find it in you to vocalize your need for help. So, just imagine how much worse it would be if you couldn’t even ask anyone for help? Unfortunately, dogs that suffer from anxiety have to go through exactly that each time they feel nervous.
As a dog owner, dealing with canine separation anxiety and distress can sound like a daunting task. When you become a dog parent, you never even think about the potential behavioral issues that might arise. The thought of having a dog that struggles with anxiety almost seems slightly absurd. The reality is, though, that at one point or another during your life of being a doggy parent, you are going to have to deal with issues. One of the most common is learning how to correctly and effectively treat separation anxiety.
If you think insomnia is solely a human issue, then you might be surprised to hear that it is not. Dogs (and even cats) can suffer from sleepless nights and insomnia. It is something that affects them equally as much as it does humans. Many of the reasons that humans suffer from insomnia are the same that causes dogs to be unable to sleep.