Home DOGS CBD Oil for Dogs with Cancer: How to Treat Cancer

CBD Oil for Dogs with Cancer: How to Treat Cancer


They say that the hardest thing about having a dog is saying goodbye to them far too soon. Most pet owners dote on their pooches as if they were children. But they are always aware that, a dog will live around 12 years if they are in good health.

Sadly, even as loving pet parents, we cannot protect our loved ones from diseases like cancer or arthritis. Many times, cancer is not detected until it reaches the stage where it is already spreading to other parts of the body and causing Fido a fair amount of discomfort. Thanks to the development of cannabis-based medicines, such as medical cannabis, hemp seed oil, and especially CBD oil. These are becoming popular treatments option for dogs and cats suffering from chronic pain, seizures, and even cancer.

How CBD Oil Works: The Science.

We are becoming aware of the proven healing properties of cannabis during the past couple of years, cannabis, including cannabis oil and hemp oil, has actually been used for centuries to successfully treat illness. Its oil is incredibly powerful.

More states are legalizing the herb and more research is being conducted to prove its efficacy. This miracle oil may even be able to fight cancer cells. When most people think of cannabis, they automatically think of stoners getting high. This is where it’s necessary to understand exactly how CBD oil works.

The CBD oil is used to eliminate the psychoactive effects of the THC compound. This means that you won’t have to worry about your precious pooch turning into a zombie.

The cannabinoids in the oil are the all-important component here. They contain all of the rich, therapeutic and healing medicinal benefits. While a very small amount of THC is usually necessary to allow the oil to work to its full potential. Oils that are rich in CBD balance out the THC meaning that it does not produce a woozy or “stoned” feeling.

CBD Oil as a Cancer Treatment

There is still a fair amount of research left to pinpoint exactly how CBD works. There is already existing research that proves how it can kill tumors and cancerous cells in animals.

In 2009, Spanish researchers from a reputable university published a research paper along with results that demonstrated how THC successfully eliminated brain cancer in mice. What it actually did was cause the cancerous cells to essentially destroy themselves resulting in the existing tumors shrinking substantially.

CBD can also stop metastasis, which is when cancer starts spreading into the bloodstream. It usually indicates that the final stages of the disease are near.

There is currently no clinical research that demonstrates exactly how CBD works to treat cancer in dogs. But there is enough compelling evidence and testimonials from pet owners who have used the oil. It indicates that it could work better and faster than traditional pharmaceutical treatments.

How Can CBD Oil Help Dogs with Cancer?

Here are some benefits of CBD oil that you should consider when making the decision to give it a try with your dog that is suffering from cancer:

  • It increases appetite. As our dogs can’t tell us what they are feeling, when they feel low, they usually avoid food like the plague. While this can be normal if it only lasts a day or two. When it comes to cancer most dogs will not feel hungry, which, in turn, weakens their strength and immune system. Giving your dog CBD oil will increase their appetite and help them to maintain a normal eating and drinking routine.
  • It offers pain relief. Cancer is, unfortunately, a disease that is accompanied by pain, especially if the tumors are in the legs or stomach. Our pups can’t just reach for a painkiller whenever they need it. Instead will show pain by whimpering and whining. One of the greatest benefits of giving your pooch CBD oil is that it can offer a substantial amount of relief from the pain they are experiencing.
  • It reduces inflammation. CBD is used to effectively manage the symptoms of arthritis—aching joints, stiffness, etc. Cancer manifests the same symptoms when it is found present in dogs. So, the oil will allow your pet to live a more comfortable and agile life.
  • It inhibits tumor growth. CBD is known to shrink tumors as per the research we pointed out above. Daily administration of the oil can also stop cancer from spreading to other parts of the body and possibly eliminate it altogether.
  • It helps insomnia. Insomnia isn’t just a human ailment; our dogs can suffer from sleepless nights, too! The therapeutic properties of good quality CBD oil can help relax your dog. So, he has the strength to participate in normal dog-like activity during the day.

Final Thoughts

Traditional cancer treatments like chemotherapy can often cause your pooch to experience terrible side effects. That prevents him from living out the rest of his days comfortably. While there are few vets who would condone CBD oil as a sole method of treatment. This early on in the stages of its research, almost all reputable veterinary clinics will agree that it can only add complementary benefits to existing treatments.

Many humans take CBD oil daily even if they are in good health. They use it as a kind of precursor to any illness that might manifest in the future. With a good quality product that is organic and pure, you might just find that CBD oil is the elixir of life that you have been searching for to extend your time with your beloved pet for as long as possible.

This article by Jennifer is originally published at FOMO Bones.